About Exaltlink Academy

Helping you become top 1% Salesforce Professional

Exaltlink Academy is a one stop destination to uplift your salesforce career. We offer Salesforce Educational programs crafted by a global community of well seasoned, highly experienced gurus, who can also provide 1-on-1 mentoring
Best Salesforce Courses
Expert Mentors

Our Vision & Mission

Build 1M Salesforce Champions by end of 2030 across all verticals.


Technology-centric community-driven learning with massive scale and commitment.

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Expert Mentors
Our Process

Why Choose Exaltlink Academy?

Below are the 6 reasons why you should choose Exaltlink Academy for all your salesforce Upskilling needs

  • Learn from the top 1%

    Combined, our Mentors have helped more than 50k students upskill their careers in salesforce

  • Community driven learning

    Build relationships beyond networks, learn and grow along with motivated peers who are in the same journey who can help access opportunities

  • Industry ready curriculum

    Our curriculum is designed and vetted by Experienced salesforce professionals from top consulting firms

  • 1 : 1 Mentorship with Industry Experts

    Get 1 on 1 assistance and receive timely feedback from mentors who are already been there.

  • World class LMS

    Take boring out of learning with contests, Quizzes, debates, Q and A and earn badges and points for all the good karma that you are doing to improve yourself and other fellow learners in the community

  • Placement Assistance

    We don't just leave you training on technical skills. We help you in improving consulting, soft skills with a 360 degree development approach and take mock interviews, provide a continuous placement support until you are placed.

Learn Something New & Build Your Career From Anywhere

Let’s get started.
Our Mentor

Meet Our Expert Mentors

Together our mentors have trained more than 50k students so far

Aman Tiwari

Aman Tiwari

Certified, Sr. Salesforce Developer, Twilio, USA

4+ Years of Experience in salesforce

Om Prackash

Om Prackash

Salesforce MVP, Salesforce Director, Appy Crown

10+ Years of Experience in salesforce

Eswara Naidu

Eswara Naidu

Sr. Salesforce Manager, Global university systems

10+ Years of Experience in salesforce

Sanjay Gupta

Sanjay Gupta

Salesforce Development Manager, Sierra Cloud

10+ Years of Experience in salesforce